Top 10 tips on How to Study Effectively to get Better Results in Exams?


Most of the students are worried that how to study to get good results in exams but they could not get the better way to study. Here we are giving top 10 ideas on how to study to get better results in exam.

Everyone student has different learning techniques. What technique works for other students may not work for you. So Just keep trying until you discover the best way to study. If you follow these 10 ideas you will definitely get your best results-

  1. Get Organized – It means you have to carry all your stuff with you like yours note books, pen, diary, study materials etc etc.
  2. Do not skip Classes – If you skip your classes then definitely you are going to loose very important points for good results. So be regular in the class.
  3. Make Notes – Notes are very important for a good results, notes helps you remember things later after classes.
  4. Talk to your Teacher – This is also a very good step for all students because if you do not talk to your teacher then the point you didn’t get in the class will remain unanswered always.
  5. Give Space to your study – It means take break if you are studying for a long time. If you take break while studying, topics will remains in your brain for long time.
  6. Make Study Plan – It should be a habit of every student to make study plan, and every student should be stick on it and should follow his plan strictly.
  7. Do Not Just Read – If you are sitting to learn for exams then do not just read the answers, you must understand the answers.
  8. Make or build Study area or space in your Room – In your room choose an area for study only.
  9. Test Yourself – Self assessment is a good exercise for better results. This will help you to give you feedback about your study that how sincerely you have studied.
  10. Make a Study Buddy – It means make a friend who is also interested in study like you. If he helps you in your study then you both or your group may solve a difficult question in an easy way.

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