Teacher’s Day Special ( 5 Sep 2023 )


In India every year 5 sep is celebrated as Teacher’s day. This day is dedicated to our Former President Dr. Sarvapalli Radha Krishnan. This day is also Birth date of Dr. Sarvapalli Radha krishnan. This day shows love and affection towards every teacher of India. On this day we show our gratitude towards our teachers. On this day students give speech in school/colleges for their beloved teachers. Teachers Gives his knowledge and time to us to make their students’s career. They not only give us knowledge but they also give us right path to follow in our life. Every one should have a teacher in his life. In our life if we get success then reason behind our success is a teacher. For their selfless emotions towards a student we all should thanks and respect every teacher.

Thankyou So much

Happy Teacher’s Day.

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