Can Technology Replace a Teacher?


Absolutely Not. A teacher can never be replaced by technology. But if technology comes in hand of a teacher, it will be tremendous change. A good teacher inculcates values to the students, and also becomes an inspirational role model for kids. Many times, even parents are not able to impart all the values which a teacher does effortlessly. Especially in the case of small children and young students the importance of teachers can not be underestimated.

Teachers are human they can feel emotions, they can scold a student in need, they can restrict students for doing wrong things etc but a technology or computer or robot can not do all these things. If you use online course for study then too there will be a teacher to teach you. Teachers impart students with life skills, valuable life lessons and inspire them to reach their potential. Technology can help a teacher to deliver his knowledge effortlessly. Technologies and softwares like MS Office, Projectors, Different designing softwares, different instruments etc all these makes a teacher, A great teacher.

Hence it is obvious that a technology can never replace a teacher, they can assist students in the field of education. human interaction cannot be replaced by computers and human skills cannot be taught by technology.

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